The Spa Consultants will assist you in choosing the correct slimming solution for you, based on an in depth return on investment analysis, target market, competitive offering and ensuring your equipment is able to work through winter and summer months.



Reducing fat is not the same as losing weight, it’s both about what happens to fat cells and the number of fat cells in our bodies typically becomes a fixed number in our teenage years.

When we diet and as a result achieve weight loss, the fat cells have become smaller but the number of fat cells remains the same. When we gain weight, the fat cells grow in size only.

The Cryo Fat Freeze uses a technique cryolipolysis (fat freezing) technology to reduce the number of fat cells in treated areas by approximately 20 – 25%. After the procedure these fat cells are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body.

It has 4 handles that can work at the same time, so you can treat several treatment areas at the same time for one client, or you can treat 2 client’s at the same time. With super water, air, and semi-conductor cooling, the machine can continuously work for at least 24 hours; making it highly profitable for the high work of spas, salons, and clinics.

  • Procedure Time: 40 – 60 minutes per application estimated
  • Down Time: sensitivity and slight numbness up to 7 days
  • Number of Treatments: 3 – 6
  • Results: Visible after 3 – 4 week


Spalicious Cellulite Melting Wrap was an intensive research and development project with a view to finding a stimulating fast acting treatment for cellulite and firming.

First it is important to understand that cellulite is a skin disorder, NOT a fat disorder so what we will correct is the skin problem of dimpled skin, that looks like an orange peel.

This is not a weight loss or centimeter loss program. It works in 2 steps that must be used in the correct order and at the correct time in order for it to be effective.